
An Overview of Computing Science Curriculum
Developments at the University of the South Pacific
Ronald R. Goforth
The economic competitiveness of nations depends increasingly on the effective
utilisation of modern technology. As a result, computers and the field of
computing science are continuing to advance rapidly worldwide. Regional needs
in the South Pacific for computing professionals (essential for the use of this
technology) argue for the highest possible standards of Computing Science
Recognising these factors and numerous deficiencies in the computing science
courses offered in previous years, the Department of Mathematics at the
University of the South Pacific (USP) designed a new curriculum which was
approved in principle by its School of Pure and Applied Science Board of
Studies in August 1989. This new Computing Science programme is now
being implemented and the Department of Mathematics is now the Department
of Mathematics and Computing Science to better reflect the mix of courses
This paper describes the design of the new curriculum and the rationale for its
Planning the Change
Preparatory work leading to the approval of the upgrading of the curriculum
included analysis of the performance of the existing USP programme, reviews
of Computing Science Programmes and standards in other institutions and a
detailed evaluation of regional needs. For example, the economic incentive for
providing appropriate education can be demonstrated by comparing the relative
costs of mid-level managerial positions in the private sector filled by an
expatriate to that needed to hire and retain a local person (anything up to 4 times
as much). It is interesting to note that virtually all the senior management

positions in data processing/information services in the region are currently held
by expatriates.
The exercise documented here was a necessary first step to ensure that
educational resources were well directed to satisfying both exisiting and future
needs for graduates in a way consistent with the objectives of the University.
As resources dedicated to tertiary education are likely to remain severely limited,
it was essential to address the issue of the relevance of the new academic
programme. Public awareness of the economic efficiency of a domestic supply
of computing professionals would encourage continued support.
Evaluating the training of computer personnel in Fiji and the

Approximately 1200 people a year receive one or more weeks of in-house
computer training by different organisations. Diploma and certificate studies at
the Fiji Institute of Technology (FIT) and certificate studies at private business
schools satisfy a need for small businesses and routine work but do not qualify
for the more demanding positions starting at the programmer/systems-analyst
level. Although people are recruited, largely because of their ostensible hands-
on skills, they require significant additional training to qualify them for more
responsible positions. (There bas been and still continues to be a serious
shortage of technically trained personnel due to migration. A significant part of
the regional demand for computing personnel is for the replacement of those
lost in the so-called "brain-drain").
Essentially all the major employers of computing professionals report that there
are two levels of computer employees, senior and junior, and for senior level
and other positions requiring extensive technical experience and competence, the
predominant source is overseas (Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, etc.). This
information comes from a set of interviews. with a number of managers of data
processing or information services sections of private sector companies or
government agencies.*
More details are given in a Department of Mathematics and Computing Science
Position Paper: "New Curriculum Development and Programme Management for
Computing Science at The University of the.South Pacific." Where other such
additional information is available for related items in this paper, they are marked
with "*". The working paper is available on request from the Department.

For entry-level and junior positions, candidates are identified within the
organisation for transfer to computing positions or are recruited locally. In both
cases, extensive internal training is needed and this is so even when the
candidate has a locally acquired degree, diploma or certificate indicating that the
training received did not have content fully relevant to regional needs and was
not of sufficient academic depth.
Objectives of the New Computing Science Curriculum
In response to an analysis of regional training needs and the current role of USP
in computing science education, several broad curriculum objectives* were
elucidated. They were:
The Computing Science curriculum must be consistent with the broad
aims and objectives of a university education. This included the need
to provide a comprehensive education to prepare graduates for full
professional and management-level positions. Graduates should also
be qualified for admission to overseas post-graduate courses and
programmes in computing science.
The programme should be responsive to regional needs. This should
embody a recognition of the need to foster regional economic growth
by the appropriate education of computer professionals.
The Computing Science staff at the University should be available as a
resource base for consultancy, as advisory agents to governments, and
to give special (on-demand) training.
The programme should plan for optimum use of resources (human and
other) and should produce qualified graduates in numbers consistent
with market demand.
Specific Issues
To develop and implement these new objectives, a number of detailed issues had
to be addressed and resolved. First of all, as noted in the introduction, the
SPAS Board of Studies approved the new curriculum in principle and allowed
for an expansion in course offerings. It was understood, however, that no
additional resources would be provided for the implementation of these changes.

The implementation of the new curriculum is consistent with that requirement
although the programme would benefit dramatically from an increase in
academic resources. The response has been coupled to the availablity and
efficient use of existing resources.
Computing Science classes will be restricted in size to accommodate resource
constraints, to provide adequate instruction and to balance regional needs. This
will ultimately generate about 20 qualified graduates each year.
In the introductory course MA 153 (as described later) grades and aptitude tests
will be used to qualify students for admission to the Mathematics degree with a
Computing Science major. The likelihood of graduating significant numbers
with Computing Science majors will be enhanced by this.
The new curriculum has been designed to develop programming proficiency.
(This is a significant advance over providing only a general awareness of
programming concepts which was all that was possible previously).
Concentration on a single high-level language (Pascal), problem analysis and
algorithmic development occurs early in the course sequence. The students will
have a limited exposure to FORTRAN, COBOL, and C programming
languages; this should be adequate to facilitate professional transition to the use
of these languages.
The introductory course will be maintained as
a service course in applied computer skills for other degree
programmes, using packaged software;
a terminal course for basic computer literacy;
a qualifying course for major studies in Computing Science; and
the Extension introduction to computers course.

The New Curriculum
The Department of Mathematics and Computing Science offers, as of the 1990
academic year, three possible majors: Mathematics, Computing Science, and
Mathematics and Computing Science. The major in Computing Science is
made possible by having 6 units (rather than the 3 previously offered by the
Department)* in this discipline. For students with a major in Computing
Science all six Computing Science courses are required.
Prior to 1990, the 3 units offered provided the students with a total of 168
lecture hours and 43 hours of tutorials. The new programme doubles these
figures to about 350 lecture hours and 85 tutorial hours. These hours are low
by international standards which are typically in the order of 500 to 650 lecture
hours for computing science and 1000 to 1250 lecture hours for computer
engineering undergraduates. The new courses do, however, respond adequately
to regional needs at this time.
The New Courses
MA153 "Survey of Computing Science and Information Technology" - an
entry level service course, designed primarily to train users of
standard software packages (word processing, spreadsheet, and
database). It is also necessary (with aptitude testing) for a degree
student intending to major in Computing Science.
MA154 "Introduction to Computing Science" - the first computing science
course designed to lay the foundation for further studies in this
discipline. Problem solving and algorithms are stressed using the
Pascal modern high level language.
MA253 "Data Structure and Algorithms" - introduces the principle data
structures required in the construction of programs for sorting,
searching, and string manipulation.
MA254 "Computer Organisation" - aims to provide an understanding of
current computing equipment and the relationship between
hardware and software. It provides a general foundation for further
training, particularly for systems analysis.

MA353 "Software Engineering" - essential for those intending to become
involved in software production. This course concentrates on the
techniques and methodologies needed for efficient production of
MA354 "Database Management Systems" - a foundation for information
systems, the largest use of computers in the region.
Two basic options for the implementation of the new courses were considered:
first, to phase-in the new courses over 2 years as the older ones were being
phased-out and second, to offer immediately all 6 new courses with 3 new
courses offered in Semester I, 1990 and the remaining 3 new courses in
Semester II, 1990.
The first option involved no overlap of courses with the expectation that most
students would be completely in one stream or the other. The major
disadvantages of this approach were thought to be delay in offering the improved
courses to part-time students and a risk that the full implementation of the new
courses might be aborted due to uncontrolled circumstances later on.
The second approach, which has been adopted, clearly provided a quicker
response to the urgent need for qualified Computing Science graduates. Another
practical factor influencing the choice and favouring this option was the short-
term availability of a larger than normal number of staff who could support the
added work load of the conversion.
Standard aptitude testing* is an essential part of the programme design. It will
be used to identify those students likely to succeed in subsequent computing
science courses. Only with better and earlier identification of students likely to
succeed can class sizes be maintained at levels commensurate with good
pedagogical practices and well qualified graduates. Testing provides a reasonable
means of controlling class size and composition.
Costs and Benefits of the New Programme
As noted before, the immediate full implementation of the new curriculum will
significantly increase the workload of academic staff developing new materials

for several courses simultaneously and dealing with difficulties in managing
students already partially through their course. This increased workload may be
partially mitigated by reduced class sizes (excluding MA153 which will
continue to cater for 150-200 students).
From the students' perspective, some confusion is likely to exist for those who
have partially completed their course(s). Selection of future courses by
students, particularly when they have not completed the new lower level courses
which are prerequisites for advanced courses, will be a problem. Some
dissatisfaction, even perceptions of unjust exclusion from advanced courses,
must be anticipated. Great care will be needed, therefore, to ensure fair and
equitable treatment while providing the best and most appropriate educational
opportunity for each student.
Balancing needs with available resources, providing a new level of quality
graduates, and building an academic programme responsive to and consistent
with regional needs means a need for reduced class sizes.
Anticipated Benefits
Anticipated benefits of the new curriculum include:
The quality of graduates, in each of the three options offered by the
Department will be significantly enhanced.
The numbers of graduates with majors in Computing Science should
be appropriate for regional market needs for the forseeable future.
Maximum use of academic resources will be achieved. No additional
funding will be necessary although staff salaries need to be made
competitive within the region. The programme would also benefit
from a modest increase in other academic resources.
The curriculum will be consistent with the objectives of a "university
education" with a major in Computing Science and it should facilitate
the USP graduate's success in more advanced programmes overseas.
These potential benefits will not be realised immediately, although the
problems are likely to occur quickly and before any of the benefits are apparent.

Failure to persevere against pressures to reduce the impact of these "problems"
could seriously jeopardize implementation.
Some Remaining Issues
A number of significant issues remain to be addressed. Although the concerns
described here are not unique to this programme, they are of particular
importance when one considers the qualities expected to be developed in the
education of computing professionals.
Foremost and most complex among these issues is that related to student
attitudes regarding learning and how learning is valued and achieved. Students'
concern for grades and qualifications; pressures such as continued financial
support; comfort with the memorisation and regurgitation of facts; test anxiety
and cheating all need to be addressed.
Computers facilitate mechanical reproduction (copying) of work and this is a
particularly difficult problem. Although apologists explain away this behaviour
by referring to the "sharing" or "communal" nature of island culture, real costs
to the students remain. There appears to be an inadequate appreciation of the
fact that such behaviour impedes an individual's true mastery of the material
presented, invalidates assessments, differentially penalises the diligent, and
perpetuates behaviour which may be socially (if not legally) unacceptable. In
order to partially address this problem, a policy on "academic honesty",
specifically to clarify the issue for computer related issues, is now under final
Another significant academic issue relates to the use of objective standards for
testing. In order to ensure and document the attainment of skills and knowledge
consistent with international standards, objective testing will be used. This
may not be well understood, but it is essential to establish academic credibility
in Computing Science. The design of appropriate test instruments will be
another challenging task for the staff.
Early intervention in the education process, to enhance the students' skills in
problem analysis and solution, is also urgently required. At present, these
skills are underdeveloped in most students attempting to undertake Computing
Science courses with the consequence that an excessive part of each course has
to be devoted to non-content issues.

Concluding Observation
Finally, it must be noted that Computing Science curriculum development and
evaluation is not a mature practice. Computing Science as a discrete discipline
is too new. New practices are being tried; some successful many rapidly
discarded. Until greater resources are available, it is our view that the USP
Computing Science programme described in this paper represents the most
effective utilisation of available resources and the best response to regional
needs for university-educated computing professionals that can be reasonably